

How to get a chiseled jaw (No BS guide)

Warning: Note that none of the following is a medical advice, im not a professional, Im only sharing what worked for me. Try it at your own risk..

The jaw area is the second most important after the eye area, Decent eye area + good jaw area = +7/10 .

So its important for us to focus on developing our jaw the best we can to expect looking better.

In the video bellow I explain all the possible ways to improve the look of your jaw without surgery, and you can expect improving it depending on how much effort you put into it.

Complete guide to looksmaxxing the jaw area:

1- Mewing

To mew correctly you need to stand upright, have a perfect posture, and hold a suction where your tongue is fully glued to your upper palate, like shown in the photo bellow.

Correct neck and spine posture is underated, if you spend your whole day like an incel, hinged back, you will only go downhill, recess your chin, and become a mouth breather automaticly.

If you cannot put your tongue confortably up against your palate, that means
you have a narrow palate, and either need to see an orthodentist, get MSE treatment, or do the next things...

2- Thumb Pulling

For thumb pulling, what we are doing is simulating the effect of MSE. We will use our thumbs to apply pressure to our upper palate and try to expand it. Of course, that happens after a long period of time; it is not an overnight fix. I also only do this after taking showers…

How to thumbpull:

First start by hooking your thumbs hard against your upper palate, and push very hard. Try to push your thumbs as much as you are separating your palate, imagine yourself seperating it and pushing it at the same time. 
And you might need to use a tissue to avoid damaging the sensitive skin of your upper palate. I also put my head against the wall to apply maximum power. 
Do this for 3 minutes daily; you can do two sessions of 3 minutes daily, as this dude did.

2- NCR treatment

NCR treatment, orthodentist
NCR is advanced and risky. NCR stands for Neuro-Cognitive Restructuring. It’s a technique used only by professionals for CRANIAL FACIAL RELEASE; it basically involves opening and expanding the front region of your skull. 
The main idea is that we will use this to open up the suitures of our skulls, make the facial reconstruction easier, and have faster and better results. 
Ncr is also known for helping correcting asymetries and help with the quality of breathing…
This is actually a very good option for adults who might be concerned about the time and effort they need to put into mewing to see results.
But this can be dangerous, I believe It is worth it for me so im doing it,You are responsible for fallowing the next steps.

How to Do NCR at home:

Buy the fallowing Items: 
-Nasal Specific Bulb
-Gloves instead of ballon (cut the fingers off)
Attache the fallowing items like this:  
how to attache ncr device
Do this to release the air…
Fallow the instruction from the video to do NCR safely. And never inheal deeper when you choke on it, just be relaxed and release the air from the bulb.

3- Developing Jaw muscles

Correct way of eating by Dr Mew:

You probably eat the wrong way. As you can see in this video by Dr. Mew, this is the right way to eat, you need to adopt it ASAP.
 The right way to eat is first keep perfect posture, then only use your jaw muscles to chew, and never using your cheek muscles as that can end up puffing them up and giving you nasalabiul folds.
Then only use your tongue to move the food inside your mouth, and once it is well chewed, you swallow as seen bellow.  (Swallow it as you mew, whole tongue engaging…)

Chewing Exercises: (I got most result from these)

First get this one. I got the box and used it for 2 months, (Be careful to not get TMJ). 
You dont need to boil these btw just get them and start training your jaw
To start by chewing 50 reps, and 8 to 10 sets per day, a total or 400 reps per day. 
Thats it, as easy as that, and you will develop jaw muscles in the first month…
My results:
mewing results, chewing results, ncr results

Include hard foods in your diet (CarrotMaxxing)

I added 4 carrots per day, I eat tough foods like crispy bread, meat, and nuts daily. 
Carrots are very good for your health because they also contain Beta carotene wich is good for pale skined peoples.

4- Beard Growth

A well-groomed, thick beard can give the illusion of a developed lower third and is also subconsciously perceived to be a good treat that signals healthy genes. There are two options if you are struggling with growing a beard.
Use This One, it will make your facial hair grow much thicker and faster. Apply a small amount to the desired area twice to three times per day. You will see results within weeks and months. 
Here are some results:

Hair fibers are by far the best softmaxxing solution for patchy beards; they give you instant results, and you can apply these hacks I will talk about to make them water-proof and last longer.

First get THIS ONE, its the best one…, you will chose the color of your beard, then get the spraying Spray Applicator to apply it on your beard.

Before you do anything apply lotion.
After you applied use the Spray Applicator and keep a decent distance between the sprayer and the beard area as shown bellow. The further, the better…
If you dont like a certain area you can comb it, and start over.
To make the fibers water-proof use this Hold Spray after you applied the fibers. Then you will expect them to stay stuck even after water contact.

5- Small jaw illusion

If you have a big skull like shown in the picture bellow, it will overall make your jaw appear smaller. 
The man is quite attractive, but the buzzcut doesnt suite him at all. 
There are better haircuts to give the illusion of a bigger lower third, 
For example I would recommend something like the fallowing for this man.
haircut for sharp jaw

6- Sleeping right

We want to maximize our gains, and to do that, we should sleep in the most optimized way possible.
First you need to always tape your mouth shut, I do it every day now, and im used to it. 
You should stop mouth breathing and snorting while you sleep, it seriously messes up your health. 
I use these tapes while sleeping. 
Other than that Im also going to try this device that literally keeps your jaw shut while you are sleeping, this will result in a good overall results combined with all the other good habbits. 
Also if you can start getting used to sleeping on your back, I know it can be hard, I used to sleep on my belly, but its much better and gives you way less allergies when you wake up.
sleep on back
That was it for the jaw area, if you want to support my work visite my patreon, get advice from me, and get rated and a shout out in the end of all my videos, thanks.
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