

Complete guide to get broad shoulders.

We will explore several ways to achieve the iconic broad shoulders V-Shaped look.

  1.  With Gym workouts.
  2.  Without the gym.

actually attractive male body

Many people have this delusional belief that going to the gym will make you look more attractive; it technically can make you more attractive if you lose some body fat (if you had a higher BF% initially), but in general, women are not attracted to muscles, especially most women.


The bodies that women find attractive are v-shaped bodies, as seen below. Some muscles and an overall toned body are preferred, and it is possible to have an attractive ideal body without working out, as the natural muscle amount in a healthy male is enough.

real attractive muscular man, vs unattractive steroid freak.

How to use the gym for wider shoulders:

 It’s important to remember that the more stress you actually have in your life, the faster you will age, and this includes working out. Most people from newer generations don’t understand this because of how brainwashed they are, but simply put, if you workout every day, do cardio, and don’t rest much, you will increase your chances of having a heart attack significantly. 
The same thing will happen if, for example, you hate your job, sleep 4 hours, have stressful problems, etc. THE MORE YOU STRESS YOURSELF, THE FASTER YOU AGE.
Knowing this will enable you to limit your workout sessions and keep your biological age lower.
So for the workouts we will focuse on the shoulders. (Link to my shoulder workout list pdf in patreon) join as a free member to see it.
Here is a list of the workouts to grow wider shoulders. Keep in mind that these workouts will also lengthen the clavicles over time if you eat the right diet.

Warning: What ever you do, never train your traps!


I won’t go into details on why I suggest this diet; it is overall going to be quite contradictory to the mainstream grain-based diets that are promoted, but here are some articles that debunk the high cholesterol and saturated fat claims made a long time ago to demonize cholesterol and animal-based foods. Article 1:Saturated Fat: Part of a Healthy Diet / Article 2: Fats /Article 3: Cholesterol / Video:CHOLESTEROL and THE HEART, w/ Dr. Sunil Rao 
healthy animal based diet

What to eat to Clean-Bulk

  • Raw dairy: Raw milk and dairy in general are high in fat and cholesterol; they are also converted to sugar in your body. Making it a very good option for weight gain.
  • Fats: beef tallow, lard, duck fat, cod liver oil, Dont confuse plant oils with animal fat, overall never cook anything in plant oils, use fats instead. It might be ok to consume it unheated extra virgin olive oil as toping on your food.
  • +Fruits: If you can get your hands on wild tropical seasonal fruits, then eat them. The goal is to only consume real fruits that are grown locally and are not processed or genetically modified, be careful with sprayed fruits too. Fruits that are high in mineral content are the best, you can tell if a fruit is high quality just by smelling it. If the scent isn’t present, it’s pretty low in minerals and vitamin C. Some fruits I consume are oranges, figs, and coconuts if I’m traveling. All these are seasonal and local, so they are very healthy.
  • Raw Honey: Replace table sugar with real raw honey; it will make your life much better and help with a lot of weight gain.
  • Eggs: If farm eggs are available, eat the york raw and mix it up with raw milk, kefir, honey, or fruit. That is a great bulk breakfast. 

What to eat for cutting or maintaining Low body weight

    • Organs and meat: If you have access to free-range, non-vaccinated animals, then eat the organs and meat raw or blue-rare; it’s risk-free as long as the animal is healthy.
    • Fish and birds: Eat raw fish and sushi if it is possible; eat fat birds if available, such as duck and farm chicken.
    • Shellfish: Sea food in general is one of the healthiest foods available. After what I have seen, if available, you should get oysters, muscles, sea urchins, crabs, lobsters, etc. Overall, for a lower weight, just eat less fruit, raw milk, and honey. That’s it.

How to use Clothing for wider shoulders:

If you have decided to ditch working out, then this is the next best option. 
Broad-shoulder clothing and shoulder pads: Broad-shoulder jackets such as Varsity jackets, Suits and Leather jackets often come with shoulder pads that give that effortless v-shaped look. You can also get some shoulder pads to insert into any kind of jacket you have. Getting round shoulder pads or padedd t shirt such as these will be helpful because you can wear them with any kind of clothing, such as a sweater or hoodie.
Overall I highly recommend this method.
broad shoulder clothing, shoulder pads, padded compression t shirt
That was it for this guide, overall you can do the exercises i suggested, fallow a healthy cutting diet, and wear the padded t shirts under your sweaters and jackets, it will make your body structure look more dimorphic, and combined with tall height you will kill it. 
If you are interested in detailed looksmaxing analysis and personalized looksmaxing advice, join my channel and become a member today.
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